The origin of NASA and the identity of aliens were fallen angels and demonic spirits!


demons fallen angels

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This image of a fantasy planet in our solar system is actually an imaginary landscape. Ancient religious people derived their planetary worship from worshipping the delusional planets that make up each day of the week as gods that watch over mankind.

And so, people today cannot live their lives insulated from religious concepts and engage with the false gods of the planets.

In ancient times, Monday was considered the "day of the moon," a star that had some influence on people, and people worshipped it.

Tuesday, the Norse mythological god Tiw, which originated in Scandinavia, was worshipped as the god of war, law, and justice.

Wednesday was named after the god Woden, the chief of all gods in Norse mythology of wisdom, knowledge, and lyrics.

Thursday is the day of the week for Thor, the Norse god of thunder, the god who creates lightning with his magic hammer to bring forth crops.

Friday derives from Frigg, the Norse goddess of love and marriage.

Saturday was originally called "Saturn's day," named after the planet Saturn. Ancient Rome also had a god named Saturnus, who was worshipped with festivities and time off from work.

Sunday, named after the sun, was originally called "Sun's day" and has become a day of shopping materialism for modern people.

Of the seven days of the week, three are named after celestial bodies (the sun, moon, and Saturn) and four are clearly based on ancient gods of Norse mythology ( Tiw, Warden, Thor, and Frigg), all derived from occult worship.

The 1969 moon landing, the biggest sham in human history, was reportedly filmed by Stanley Kubrick, a friend of Jewish filmmaker Steven Spielberg.

He produced "2001: A Space Odyssey" the year before, brainwashing people to become euphoric with longing for a universe that did not exist, thus creating a space market.

The Illuminati have mobilized all governments and corporations to brainwash the human race by providing entertainment films and inciting the public with vapid space propaganda.

It is said that he died three days after confessing in a video interview that he faked the Apollo moon landing. We don't know the truth of the matter, but the film was actually made, so he could have staged a fake like that the following year.

It is obvious that someone, if not him, created the cinematic effect.

NASA's shady history with occult ties

It is not widely known that NASA is an occult organization. A few years before World War II, Jack Parsons and his friends at the California Institute of Technology were eager to perfect fixed-fuel rocket propulsion.

Thanks to the war, his research led to the expansion of the rocket business and the establishment of JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) in Pasadena, California. In an effort to build better rockets, he partnered with NASA to expand his business more and satisfy supply and demand.

Jack Parson was possessed by more than mere rocket design, he was possessed by occult thought. He became a cult member of the Order of the Holy Knights of the East sponsored by Arrester Crawley in Pasadena and was so mad that he took over the Agape Lodge himself.

The members had witnessed his ability as a sorcerer during the orgy called "Selema" and recognized that he had the potential to be a cult guru second only to Crowley, the "Great Beast".

Parson himself seems to have nicknamed Crowley "the most loving father".

In 1945, he became the highest-ranking guru of the Agape Lodge. He then collaborated with L. Ron Hubbard, who later became the founder of Scientology, in a sexual witchcraft ritual for an anti-Christ movement called "Babylon Walking".

At one point, Crowley said, "I fear that Parson and Hubbard will one day produce a child of the moon," a statement that is not true because it is much more incomprehensible, but he was concerned about witchcraft contributing to the moon landings.

Eventually losing his mate to his partner Hubbard, and after a series of guilt-ridden hardships, he was allegedly killed in an explosion in his home laboratory, and the FBI confiscated all intelligence documents on him, keeping them top secret to this day.

English occultist Aleister Crowley apparently considered himself a prophet who would guide all mankind to the Aion of Horus. After becoming familiar with various magical rituals, he went to Cairo, Egypt, and performed occult rituals to connect with supernatural beings in the Great Pyramid of Cairo.

The name of the demonic spirit summoned by Crowley was Aiwas, who called himself "I am the god of war and vengeance" and had Crowley write the Book of Law, which predicted the fall of Christ's teachings and the fulfillment of the dawn of the Aeon of Horus.

In a mad statement, "Do thy will, all men and women are stars," he stated that according to Crowley's followers, Aiwas was an alien from Sirius, the star of the Egyptian god Isis.

After familiarizing himself with the Book of the Law, he summoned a fallen angel or evil spirit familiar to modern people as the alien Gray, called LAM.

The LAM apparently mentioned to Crowley something about the "tree of life" mentioned in the Bible, or that if there was a luminous object on the top of a mountain, it was a "seed" about to be born, or something similar in the Book of Law.

Eventually, Crowley also died of heroin addiction in 1947.You can see that the alien in the movie with the big-eyed inverted triangle shape was actually a fallen angel or an incarnation of an evil spirit.The connection between the mad rocket scientist and the mad magician is no coincidence.

Crowley's ultimate goal was to relate to life forms beyond human knowledge on other planets, and for man to evolve into a god.It seems to me that this can be achieved through ancient Hebrew Kabbalah and other metaphysical alchemy.

A woman named Helena P. Blavatsky, a Russian-German, claimed to have communicated telepathically with intelligent beings beyond human knowledge and to have been handed down the Aryan doctrine of superiority, which holds that the blue-eyed Aryans are the superior race.

And a thinker named Guido von List also said that Germany's victory in World War I was the German Millennium, and he called the system of esoteric groups by the selected ancient Germanic class system as Armanenism, and he said that the Armanenschaft was a secret society that was handed down in secret because it was suppressed by Christianity. The Almanenschaft was a secret society that was handed down in secret because of the oppression from Christianity.

They preached that all non-Aryans should be slaves to the Aryans, who held absolute power as a privileged class, and they greatly influenced the Nazi ideology that called for the abolition of democracy and the restoration of a hereditary monarchy by native Aryans.

During the rise of Hitler in Germany and the period when National Socialism was flourishing, Heinrich Himmler founded the German Knights based on Armanenism, which later became the Nazi SS. This powerful secret society recognized the genius German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun as a member of its cult army.

Shortly before World War II, while Parson was experimenting with rocket scientists at Arroyo Seco in Pasadena, across the river, Vannevar Bush, head of the Freemason-founded National Science Foundation, was working with Harvard astronomer Donald Menzel to build an analog computer differential analyzer to predict the future positions of planets and stars in the solar system. This was later used in NASA's occult planetary search astrology.

Finally, after World War II, "Operation Paperclip" was carried out, and von Braun and other rocket geniuses were granted U.S. citizenship and invaded the mainland, where they merged with sexually promiscuous rocket scientists who were friends with American black magicians and advocates of German dominance to create NASA to carry out their secret space exploration astrology.

After the Roswell Incident in 1947, both Vanever and Donald were selected as key members of the UFO search known as "Majestic-12" and became desperate to search for aliens. To begin with, UFOs and other such objects are mere fabrications, so I wonder if they were desperate for those fabrication operations.

During the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969, Buzz Aldrin, a 32nd degree Freemason, interceded in the lunar module with a cult worship performance of that god Isis. His Masonic flag remains as a historical artifact at Scottish Rite in Washington, D.C.

Farouk Elbaz was the prime mover behind the Apollo moon landing sites. He was a geology professor in Germany and the U.S. He was born in Cairo, Egypt, joined NASA in 1967, and since then has been a childish deceiver with his fake moon rocks. In a manner of speaking, he is the most deceitful man in all of America. His Egyptian father was an expert astrologer who worshipped Isis and Osiris.

This is a poster from 2016, but it is obvious at a glance. Its name is Osiris Rex. It seems to incorporate Egyptian occult ideas. They say that NASA lost the moon rocks, documents and tapes from the moon landing, etc., but they are making random excuses to get away with it because they never went to the moon in the first place. Most people would normally understand that we can't go to the moon, and most people would sense that something is spectacularly bizarre and wrong.

I don't like to think that I am being cheated. But what is impossible with the combination of modern technology is impossible in the past.

NASA was born in 1958 with an occult background from the merger of Hitler's Nazis SS and Alester Crowley's witchcraft and rocket scientists who worked in American and German sexual rituals and witchcraft. It is no coincidence that the Hebrew word NASA seems to mean "to deceive".

The spiritual world is in constant contact with humanity, and each of us is spiritually inspired, for better or worse, to engage in NASA's grand deception as we go about our daily lives. We don't realize it, but we are spiritually moved.

The purpose is to destroy the firmament that has never been penetrated by rockets in order to communicate with extraterrestrial intelligent beings that do not exist, just as they had hoped. For this purpose, they mobilize movies, mass media, education, etc. to desperately call for the existence of aliens, deny the existence of a flat earth, and claim that the earth rotates and revolves on its own axis, while collecting taxes from the public and spending money on the rocket business.

NASA's budget is over $2 trillion in FY 2016 alone. I think we should put more of our funding resources into other things. ➡Cite here.

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My name is JP. Please use this as a reference for yourselves. As an ex-Jehovah's Witness, I will post the results of my thorough research from an original language perspective.

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