Sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit, Ananias and Sapphira and those who died in God's judgment.


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There are differing interpretations of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. In this article, I will try to prove that death is only the wages of sin and one of life's passing points by making as many scriptural references as possible. We will also examine the true nature of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, briefly capturing its essence.

Is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit a willful sin?

There is no denying that the risk is high, as Heb. 10:26 states, "If, after receiving the accurate knowledge of the truth, you willfully practice sin, there is no longer any sacrifice left for sin." However, I believe that many self-proclaimed Christians end up quitting and living in repetition, defeated by sin due to the weakness of the flesh.

It would seem that the sins of such a person are not eternally unforgivable. In the testimonies of many overseas Christians, there were many who intentionally practiced sin, and they were not thinking that they would never be forgiven, but rather that they would be saved if they chose to stop sinning, repent, and be freed from the slavery of sin. That is what the scripture is trying to say and warn us about. Theoretically speaking, since sin is always willful in the first place, it is not impossible to obtain forgiveness for the practice of willful sin.

The ancient Israelites clearly understood the Torah and knew right from wrong. Even so, they willfully practiced sin and rebelled against God, but since they were forgiven many times, and even the wicked murderer King Manasseh was forgiven, it is logical to believe that most long-standing and habitual sins are "forgiven" if they are repented of and broken off. (2 Chronicles 33:13)

And blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is actually a more obvious view of Christ than making unrighteousness a practice in the frailty of the flesh. For "whosoever shall speak against the Holy Ghost, he shall not be forgiven." (Matthew 12:32), check the context of the scripture.

It is a situation in which a religious leader sees a miracle of Christ but "with malice aforethought" speaks ill of it as the work of an evil spirit. This is the so-called sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. The point is to insult God and despise the work of the Holy Spirit with malice, and the point is to spread bad news about the apparently undeniable work of God with hostility and malice, rather than to deny the miracle and assume it is the power of the evil spirit because of ignorance and misconception.

This is not often the case. However, sometimes there are people on the Internet who know somewhere in their heads how the Bible is a divinely inspired book that was written down, but desperately deny it and fry its consistency to speak ill of it and spread bad news about it.

I think this case is pretty much as close as we can get to this Pharisee who blasphemed the Holy Spirit. Rather than simply knowing the Bible but not being able to stop the iniquities of the flesh, if you are still forced to acknowledge the miracle of the Bible's power to some extent, but you are still sending out opinions that spread the bad press of the Bible and of God and Jesus in order to justify your bad habits, the possibility of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is infinitely higher I believe that this is the case.

Ananya and Sappila

These two men made it look as if they shared all the donations, but actually kept some amount for themselves. As a result, they died. But they did not die in severe pain. Rather, it should be noted that they died by euthanasia. God did not kill them to severely punish them for their sins, but rather allowed Ananias and Sapphira to be euthanized as a solemn start to inaugurate the early Christians.

They are in the sleep of death by euthanasia and are not wandering around on earth in an immortal spirit or in hell and being killed alive. They have slept the sleep of death in peace and have received the wages of their sins (Romans 6:7, 20, 23). (Romans 6:7, 20-23) 

1 Corinthians 5 :5 deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

1 Corinthians 11 :32 But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world.

In the first Corinthian passage, it seems that there were Christians who practiced 'extortion, deceit, and immorality not found among the heathen (relationships with stepmothers and stepfathers),' which sometimes gave Satan an opening to destroy them. Hence, Ananias and Sapphira's willful sin is the same as the intentional sin and wickedness of the Corinthians. Both Ananias and Sapphira and the Corinthians now rest in the sleep of death. They will not eventually be condemned to sin and suffer a second death like the worldly people who live in this wicked age. Ananias and Sapphira will be classified as the resurrection of the unrighteous and will be brought back to life in an earthly paradise. They will then give thanks to God, who has transferred them to the sleep of death without causing them pain, a situation that will allow them to live once again and taste paraydice.

Acts 24:15 I have hope in God, which they themselves also accept, that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust.

Ananias and Sapphira were invited by God to be Christians who would store up treasures in heaven, but he preferred to store up wealth on earth and as a result was condemned by God to euthanasia as unrighteous and unjust. However, I believe that the scriptures prove that he will not be judged and suffer a second death in the future like other people of the world. The same is true of the ungodly in the Old Testament, such as Achan, Korah, Dathan, Abiram, Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu, King Saul, and those who died in the judgment of God. They were delivered from sin by God's judgment. Since they died and received the wages of sin, what lies ahead of them is the hope of resurrection to Paradise. Who will be resurrected to life is God's domain.

As for Judas Iscariot, as he is described as "son of perdition," he may be perishing in the sleep of death with no resurrection, but even he is not suffering in hell with an immortal spirit. Also, although the Book of Jude describes him as "Sodom condemned to eternal fire," Ezekiel 16:53 also says that "the captives of Sodom" and extenuating sinners will be resurrected and prosper, so it is impossible to say that the description of destruction concerning Judas Iscariotte is also true when the eternal kingdom of God comes. It is also impossible to assert that Ancient Iraqi Babylon is said to "suffer a destruction that will not be inhabited forever," but its dwellings will be restored when the New Heaven and New Earth comes. "Eternity" as defined in the Bible often means long years and may not refer to an infinite time beyond a thousand trillion years as the literal meaning implies.

On God's Judgment in 1 Kings 13

In this passage, the prophet warns against Jarabeam, who promotes idolatry. As a result, Jarabeam experiences miraculous healings and recognizes God's power. Later, the old prophet appears before the prophet and tells him a lie that makes him disobey God's command: "I was told by the angel that you may eat bread and water," and as a result, the prophet disregards God's direct command and does as the old prophet says. The prophet should have been able to see the spirituality of the old prophet who had failed to warn King Jarabeam, but he accepted what he was told and discarded the direct command from God.

Then the word of God's judgment on the old prophet (the prophet will not be buried in the tomb of his ancestors because he defied God's word; he will not be buried in the tomb of his ancestors because he defied God's word) ), the two were condemned, and as a result, the prophet was killed by a lion and died. The prophet, who had heard the voice of God and had more than enough reason to obey, disobeyed and was put to death by Satan, who is described as "devouring him like a howling lion" (1 Peter 5:8). The word of God fell on both the prophet and the old prophet, but it is unclear whether God sent the lion to die because it does not explicitly speak of "being killed by a lion."

In 1 Kings 20:35,36, a prophet who did not heed God's command in another instance was prophesied to be killed by a lion, and he was. In 1 Corinthians 5:5, "Deliver to Satan those who have committed lewdness, which is not usual even for the heathen, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord, even though their flesh be destroyed." and so it states that there are cases where the death of the wages of sin is caused by Satan, and as a result, the spirit is saved from God.

However, the detailed background is not clear whether the prophets who died out by this lion died out because of one-time disloyalty. It is customary for the merciless and overbearing priests to suffer destruction and judgment, but since it is an ironclad rule of the Old Covenant that they are warned in advance, it is thought that they usually showed bad tendencies. So they died out in judgment during their lifetime.

In verses 24-29, we read that the old prophet brought the corpse back, rather than the lion standing by the prophet's body without tearing up the donkey or lashing him, so we can assume that the body was not badly damaged and still died by the minimum necessary killing! It can be said that Satan took advantage of the sin and slaughtered the prophet like a lion that howls at once when there is no divine protection, as if he had taken the lives of Job's sons in an instant. (Job 1:13-19)

On the other hand, in the case of the hypocrites and poisonous wheat weeds, they will grow vigorously and prosper with Satan until the last days of Jesus. (Matthew 13:30) In fact, the counterfeiters and those who are not written in the Book of Life will not be judged during their lifetime, but will live a life of sin and be resurrected and judged after death. (Enoch 22:10)

The old prophet who lied to God's prophets is said in Jeremiah 23:13 to have "done unthinkable evil as the prophets of Samaria," and Jarabeam, who was healed by a miracle of God, did not repent of his idolatry in the end. So the prophets who were handed over to Satan and died will be resurrected in the future because they received the wages for their sins during their lifetime, while the old prophet and Jarabeam will most likely be resurrected for judgment.

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My name is JP. Please use this as a reference for yourselves. As an ex-Jehovah's Witness, I will post the results of my thorough research from an original language perspective.

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