Does Paul's near-death experience in the third heaven mean astral projection and immortal soul?


demons fallen angels

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Well, it's 2 Corinthians 12:2, and many people say that the spirit soul is immortal because it suggests the possibility of 'leaving the body' and going to the third heavenly spiritual realm. It seems to me that this is certainly understandable, but the human spirit alone cannot survive as a 'living soul' in Genesis 2:7. Ecclesiastes 9:5 says: 'The dead know nothing more. There is no more work, no more scheming, no more wisdom, no more knowledge in that shadowy place to which they must one day go." And again in Psalm 146:4: "Everything he thinks will perish." and there is no thinking as a living soul.

Astral projection in the third heaven?

2 Corinthians 12:2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago--whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows--such a one was caught up to the third heaven.

Even the external book of Enoch 22:13 describes a 'spirit soul that falls asleep and is not resurrected'. The fact that even the Book of Enoch, which is the basis for strengthening the evidence for the immortality of the soul, states that there are sleeping spirits, it can be said that the default is for people in death to go to sleep. The human spirit alone does not become a ghost and have consciousness.

However, Paul above also does not deny the possibility of being lifted 'out of the body' into the third heaven. Does this mean that the spirit can leave the body and become conscious? Let us look for the Scriptures that should provide the evidence for this.

Granted a spiritual body by the giver of life.

In 1 Corinthians 15:45, "Jesus, the last Adam, became a life-giving spirit". This can be assumed to imply the possibility that spirit angels like Jesus could freely grant a certain degree of life-giving power, and indeed the fallen angels created and incarnated the human body, giving rise to the Nephilim, who have bodies as half-spirits on earth. Also, since the resurrected Christ has been granted further omnipotence, he is referred to in Revelation 3:14 as "from the One who is the true witness of all things, past, present and future, the root (archē) of all things created by God." He is the supreme being called.

The story has jumped around a bit, but in order for a person's spirit to have consciousness, it needs to be imparted or rented a temporary spirit body to have life, even temporarily, by Jesus, the 'giver of life'. So, if Paul's spirit left his body and had consciousness, his spirit would be considered to have been temporarily imparted by Jesus with a spirit person body that can have life. In popular theology, the soul is the spirit possessed by an imperfect human being, and the spirit is the image given by God, but they are sometimes mixed up together, making them ambiguous and difficult to understand.

The Life-giver can give life to the soul in which human character and nature are installed. It is not raised by Christ to heaven as a ghost, alone and conscious. It is thought that it was only because it was given life so that it could have a body that was closer to a spiritual person, similar to some kind of angel, that it was able to maintain consciousness and think in the third spiritual realm. This was a kind of preliminary resurrection experience, not a full-fledged, unlimited, indefinite, future first resurrection. Michael, the Lord Jesus, also had an argument with the devil about Moses' body and soul. (Jude 9)

So, in conclusion, it can be said that near-death experiences and astral projection are normal. However, due to the way the brain works, it seems possible that if the right side of the brain is activated, it is possible to have a near-death experience after death. Here, a case to be aware of is that if a person has a near-death experience of some kind after astral projection and the soul in which the personality is installed leaves the body, what is the origin of the near-death experience? There are only two options: the Holy Spirit or an evil spirit. Fallen angels and Satan may not be able to create a stand-alone independent new life out of nothing, but they can keep existing souls alive by dispensing and imparting their own spirit bodies. This is what séance is all about.

It is essential to have a life-giver who temporarily imparts that spirit as a 'living soul'. Of course, if it is Christ, it is a joyful experience, but if it is a fallen angel, it is very problematic, because you are having a spiritual experience by merging with that spirit of Satan.


That is why the Bible forbids séances. This is because it can mean the possibility of surrendering the human soul to evil spirits, the so-called selling of the soul. It even says to cast out fallen angels, evil spirits and Satan in the name of Jesus. Since it is such an abomination, it is important to examine carefully whether people who easily claim to have had a near-death experience were really given a revelation by Jesus or by fallen angels.

Many people excitedly claim to have seen Jesus in heaven while showing their faces on the internet, or to have been saved by Jesus in a hell astral projection, but it is very likely to be a false pretence. They are very dangerous because they had a near-death experience in which the devil took over their souls and gave them life. Beware of people who talk about near-death experiences.

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My name is JP. Please use this as a reference for yourselves. As an ex-Jehovah's Witness, I will post the results of my thorough research from an original language perspective.

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