Explanation of meteorites in the flat earth model


flat earth

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This is generally believed to be the remains of a meteorite impact, but it is not. Where did the meteorite go in the first place? If such a huge hole remains, why are there no huge rocks left behind? I don't even see any wreckage.

This is because there is no such thing as a meteorite in the first place, in other words, it was not created by a meteorite impact. It is also assumed that it was an excavation site for a quarry and was dug up.

It is very likely that since the birth of the giant Nephilim, the beautiful earth formed by the giant trees has been completely destroyed, then cleared by a divine flood, and then constantly excavated and dug up from then until the present day, the 21st century.

It has also been speculated that it may simply be a sinkhole caused by underground chemical reactions or lava eruptions. In any case, it is clear that the flat earth model is realistically accurate, and that there is no such thing as a meteorite falling from the infinite vacuum of space pulled by the earth's gravity at will.

People look at the moon and say that there must be some kind of crater, or it must have been caused by a meteorite impact, but the moon often looks crystal clear against the azure blue sky during the daytime, doesn't it? This is exactly the kind of evidence that the moon is not a stony mass or a crater, but a gaseous or some kind of luminous body.

So, we can see images of what are called shooting stars, or so-called glowing meteorites falling from the sky, on TV and other media, but what are they? There have been various speculations about meteorites falling in Russia, or meteorites breaking through windows and entering buildings, but there have been no cases of global-scale damage caused by meteorite impacts, and the credibility of news reports seems doubtful.

If space, the infinite vacuum of space, the kingdom of darkness, exists, and if gravitational attraction attracts meteorites to the earth, then satellites (which do not exist) have already been knocked to the ground by the powerful gravitational force without stabilizing in earth orbit.

Possible remnants of weapon launched by NASA

This is probably the remnants of some military weapon, or perhaps a meteorite that has been launched and dropped in order to make people think it is a meteorite. To begin with, the earth rotates at 1,700 km/h and orbits at 110,000 km/h, but meteorites cannot fall in a straight, clean trajectory to a suitable location. The strength of the centrifugal force caused by the Earth's rotation and revolution must be different between the outside and inside of the Earth, and the meteorite should have a wobbly, disordered trajectory, right?

To begin with, objects usually fall straight down when they fall, but in the meteorite news, it looks as if it was struck down by some weapon in a "straight line at a beautiful 45-degree angle down" or as if the object is descending in a parabolic line. This is a video of a meteorite falling in Russia, but it is no longer a parabola, and it looks like it was launched and fell down completely artificially. (Even if it is a parabolic line due to the roundness of the lens, it is impossible for a meteorite to fall neatly at an angle of 45 degrees down, it is shot down rather than falling)

If a TV program reports a special feature on a meteorite-like fall that is too convenient, it is likely to be a hoax. It is rumored that the footage of the meteorite fall is actually edited and used to show the moment when the window of a building was destroyed.

We believe that what is supposed to be a meteorite is actually a chunk of metal that was launched in some kind of military experiment. Also, if you watch the video above for about 5 minutes, there is a list of circumstantial evidence that shows that what is supposed to be a meteorite is actually a live metal projectile of some kind.

In some cases, actual large metal bullets are secretly dropped by NASA or the Air Force, but most "meteorites" that fall from the sky with a glint of light usually lose their light as they fall from the sky to the ground. As I will write in a later section, there are cases where such live metal bullets fall, but most of them are like luminous gas bombs shot down from the sky at an angle of 45 degrees. They do not crash to the ground, but disappear completely during the mid-descent phase from the sky.

Meteorite fabrication and fabrication work is definite.

You visit museums and see things like "meteorite remnants" on display, but they are just chunks of metal, and they are small, and they look like carefully modeled models. Just as dinosaur fossils are fake, what the meteorite museums present is probably fake.

If you watch the video above from about 6 minutes in, you will see a nickel meteorite of the same size as the one in the photo, and the museum explains that this was the largest of the two and caused a large sinkhole. The museum also displayed a photo of a car hit by a meteorite. It is strange that the same size meteorite could cause so many different degrees of damage.

This is a video capture from about 9 minutes in, and it is a sinkhole supposedly created by the above nickel model of a made-up rock (a meteorite, no less). Oddly enough, buildings and towns are being built in the hole, brainwashing us as if there is a meteorite that could destroy civilization.

However, the explanatory images displayed in the museum are absurd, as they assume and superimpose the image of a city being built on such a small hole, traces of excavation, and a relatively small hole that civilized people may have excavated just to find a source of water. But this is absurd. It is not such a huge hole.

The brainwashing tactics used to plant the image of a meteorite blowing up a whole city in your brain can be seen in the postings throughout the museum. Therefore, the meteorite museum, like the dinosaur museum, is a sham, and it is nothing more than a money-making blue ocean market.

He says that in the case of the car hit, it was just a minor collision, while the giant sinkhole was also brought about by a meteorite, both of the same size. (Video 10:58 above) Moreover, the meteorite in the car photo is a normal rock, while the meteorite on display is an iron rock with a very fake-looking color. It doesn't make sense, and the existence of the meteorite itself seems suspicious. The reason why they are all strange, inconsistent, and absurd is because they are made up.

Possible gas bombs launched by NASA

It's like a firework going up high in the sky and then poof, it's gone. Please jump to 54:30 in the video below to check it out. It's a meteorite, so to speak! It looks like a meteorite, but in the end it disappears as it falls. It looks like something like a gas bomb fell. If the universe exists, we will live in constant fear of meteorite impacts and falls, but don't worry.

Modern astronomy says that ancient civilizations were destroyed by meteorite impacts or that dinosaurs were also destroyed by meteorites, but that is completely untrue. The most worrisome cases are when NASA or the Air Force drops live metal and damage is done to homes, but usually nothing happens because it looks like a gas bomb, a shooting star, or a meteorite, and disappears as it falls.

Moreover, just as in the above images and videos, they only fall at an angle of 45 degrees, sometimes in parabolic lines, so we can say that they are also artificially shot down weapons. It is true that there is a possibility that the gas bombs may cause damage to houses, but in most cases, the bombs disappear as they fall.

Possibly the remnants of the heavenly cover blown up by a nuclear bomb.

However, as explained in the video above starting at about the 47 minute mark, when the crystals are compressed and crushed, you can see that the crystals glow in a manner similar to the luminescence of the meteorite in the video of the meteorite fall. I captured the image from the video, but it looks quite similar to the luminescence of a falling object that is believed to be a meteorite.

The Bible often speaks of a crystal (crystalline) firmament spreading out in the heavens, and in fact, this supposed meteorite, assuming it is indeed a falling object, may be the remnant of a crystal heavenly cover that was destroyed by military activity.

Ezekiel 1:22 The likeness of the firmament above the heads of the living creatures was like the color of an awesome crystal, stretched out over their heads.

Revelation 4:6 Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back.

About Skystone : The Skystone was discovered in Sierra Leone, West Africa, in 1990 by an Italian geologist named Angelo Pitoni. According to local residents, the stone was originally in the sky and fell. Pitney enlisted the help of Rome, Germany, and other countries, including Tokyo, for analysis, but to his surprise, the Skystone appears to be composed of 77% oxygen and 20% carbon, silicon, and other completely unknown minerals.

Interestingly, when observed under a microscope, the bluish color does not seem to be visible at all. Even when analyzed by experts, gem traders, and research facilities in various countries, the composition and color structure of the stone is so mysterious and unknown that it is no longer a piece of stone on earth. The mysterious compositional structure of the stone, which cannot be bent, burned, or melted even at 3,000 degrees Celsius, is said by those who know flat earth to be a part of the firmament of the heavenly lid dome.

There are also cases where this skystone has been identified in places such as Morocco and Brazil. The blue color of the skystone is the pigment of the so-called dome canopy, which is the reason why the sky is blue, and you should know that this is a hypothesis. The mechanism of the structure that is composed of oxygen but has the property of being harder than diamond is still unknown, so it is sometimes considered that it may be a piece of the very dome of the sky canopy.

Operation Fishbowl, a nuclear bomb test was conducted in 1962, when the U.S. and the Soviet Union launched a nuclear bomb missile into the sky to test the durability of the sky cap, or perhaps they were trying to blow it up since they launched it over 100 times. In the end, the crystal caps were used as the nuclear bomb. After all, launching nuclear bombs into the crystal sky cap only produced auroras and other phenomena. Perhaps it is conceivable that the Skystone, the remnant crystal of the Heavenly Lid, fell after repeated bombings.

However, there is the question of whether the heavenly cover created by God can easily collapse into fragile pieces and produce debris, and it is also hard to imagine this skystone being struck down at an angle of 45 degrees, as in the case of the bogus meteorite fall.

Job 37:18 With Him, have you spread out the skies, Strong as a cast metal mirror?

As a possibility, I have noted a point to consider that it may be the remnants of the heavenly cover. And remember, although there is a lot of back and forth, in the end it is just a luminous firework-like gas shell falling at an unnatural angle of 45 degrees, as if artificially shot down. In that light, it still seems to be just a false flag operation by NASA's meteorite propaganda, a self-staged stunt just like 911.

Now let's examine under the next heading, along with the image of the heavenly cover, for solid evidence that the planets are definitely not craggy rocks, and therefore there is no such thing as a meteorite.

The true nature of planets and objects considered to be stars

This is the model that is speculated to be what the actual earth would look like, but unless you are God, Jesus, or an angel, you can't look over it from heaven, so you don't know exactly what it looks like. The stars are thought to be plasma luminaries, not craggy chunks of rock. Buy a Nikon P900 and observe the stars in the sky.

Is it a beautiful plasma luminary and romantic? The Bible reiterates that there is an infinite kingdom of darkness in the first place, a heaven, not a universe. Don't tell me what the Bible says! Even those who say, "Don't say the Bible!" will see circumstantial evidence that the stars are not planets that are lumps of rock, but luminous bodies of plasma if you ZOOM.

People are so overwhelmed by the doctrines of modern astronomy, which are so large in scale and false that they are deprived of thinking, that they are crushing their own potential by saying to themselves, "Wow, I guess we ordinary people can't understand the mysteries of the universe, and only smart people like NASA can understand them".

This is a common brainwashing technique. The Bible seems to say that in the future plasma-luminous stars will also fall from the heavens.

Revelation 6:12 I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. 13 And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind.

The reason why the heavens are called scrolls is because the firmament of the heavens is real. All the modern cosmology that the planets are drawn from the infinite dark kingdom of space and may fall to the earth is a deliberate fiction. People are so enamored with cosmic fantasies that they cooperate with the government in thinking that movies, museums, and other space projects are real.

In reality, however, it is said that they are deceiving the world because they need an excuse to develop their space business in order to develop weapons of war. In the Bible, there is a description of plasma-emitting stars falling in the future, but the modern phenomenon of "meteorites falling" is not the same as "Oh, it's a UFO! is on the same level as "Oh, it's a UFO! UFOs! Both are top-secret missions by NASA and the Air Force, and we cannot know everything about them. But if you zoom in on the stars with a good camera or something, you can see that the very stars we are told are planets are beautiful plasma luminaries.

Heaven and earth are physically connected. When Jesus looked up to heaven and prayed, He was not uttering words to the kingdom of darkness, the universe, which has no fixed direction, but He was praying with His heart close to God the Father, who physically lives on the earth. Praying toward outer space and attracting wishes is exactly like the law of attraction of spirituality, which is false.

General Christians, please keep these truths in the back of your mind for a moment. Google keeps good content from showing up on their search engine. To prevent people from ever learning the truth, they are showing sarcastic videos at the top that give the impression that those who believe in flat earth are just conspiracy theorists.

You don't have to know about it because it has nothing to do with salvation, but please try to keep it in your mind for a little while. Meteorites of craggy rocks do not fall from the sky as a natural phenomenon. If they fall, you should suspect that they are likely to be man-made.

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My name is JP. Please use this as a reference for yourselves. As an ex-Jehovah's Witness, I will post the results of my thorough research from an original language perspective.

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